10 Real Animal Hybrids


Miles Stewart, Writer

Most people are familiar with mythical hybrids such as the Minotaur, the half bull half man of Greek Mythology, and the Sphinx, the cross of a human head on a lion’s body. However, not many people are aware of the real animal hybrids – here are 10 of my favorites.


The Liger/Tigon (Lie-ger) (Tie-gone)

The liger is the cross between a male lion and female tiger, and a tigon is the offspring of a male tiger and female lion. The main difference between the two is that tigons have a more pronounced tiger pattern and a mane, but are smaller than ligers. Both of these hybrids do not serve a practical purpose. Therefore, they are in the number 10 spot.


The Mule

This offspring of a male donkey and female horse has been utilized for years. The resilience and docile nature of the mule makes it the ideal companion for carrying heavy goods long distances. The hinny, a cross between a female donkey and male horse, is less common due to its unfavorable attitude.


The Dzo (zo)

The Dzo is the result of a yak and domestic cow and is found in Mongolia. This big, furry, horned animal is strong, allowing it to plow the rocky soil of Mongolia. This animal is resilient and deserves more recognition.


The Jaglion (jag-li-on)

Much like its name suggests, the jaglion is the cross between a male jaguar and female lion. Although the jaglion has no practical use, it looks really cool. This big cat weighs an average of 200 pounds!


The Wholphin (wal-fin)

The wholphin is the extremely unlikely offspring of a female bottlenose dolphin and a male false killer whale. This rare animal can grow anywhere from 12 to 20 feet long! Despite its name, the false killer whale is more closely related to dolphins than orcas. The intriguing rarity of this hybrid earns it a higher rank!


The Pizzly Bear (piz-ly)

A rare cross of a grizzly and polar bear has become increasingly common. Because of rising temperatures in polar habitats, grizzly bears have expanded their territory. The overlap between the grizzly polar bear habitats results in pizzly bears, among the only naturally occurring hybrids.


The Beefalo (beef-e-low)

The beefalo is a mix of a domestic cow and an American bison. Bred for its usefulness in the meat industry, a beefalo steak has less fat and cholesterol than a plain beef steak. The practical usefulness of this hybrid within the food industry earns it a spot in the top 4!


The Cama (ka-ma)

The offspring of a male camel and female llama has its roots in Dubai. The cama was bred to create an animal that has a higher wool production than a llama with the temperament, size, and strength of a camel. 


The Coywolf (coy-wolf)

The hybrid, a descendant of wolves and coyotes, is found throughout eastern North America. Spanning Canada and the northern US, the coywolf is a naturally occurring hybrid. This interesting animal forms complex social groups and are generally less aggressive when playing.


The Zonkey/Zedonk (zonk-ey)(ee-donk)

This cross between a zebra and a donkey is found mainly in Africa. The zonkey embodies the aggression of zebras and the endurance of donkeys, allowing it to haul heavy loads. The zonkey has a unique pattern being a mix of a zebra’s stripes, and the tan color of a donkey.