Results of Abington School Board Meeting

Results of Abington School Board Meeting

Richard O'Brien, Writer

On October 13, 2020, the Abington School Board voted YES on giving Abington students the opportunity of returning to in-person schooling starting after Thanksgiving. The board showed an idea of the proposed “Hybrid Model” and many parents were fond of the idea. The board allowed about an hour and a half for comments to be made by parents of the students in the Abington School District.  Some people argued that it is not safe for the community, students, nor teachers, and others said online-learning is not helping their students.

In the Hybrid Model, students will have the choice to attend in-person learning where they will attend in person for 2 days and be online for the other 3. Students could also opt to stay completely online and attend the live streams that will be held during the day. Those students will be placed in “Cohort C,” the virtual cohort. The students who choose to attend school in person will be split into “Cohort A” and “Cohort B.” They will attend school from 8:00 AM until 1:45 PM and then go home and join Advisory. After they leave Advisory, they will have the rest of the day to do asynchronous work

Explanation of a Hybrid Model at ASD

The Hybrid Model will be different from every other school in our area. Below will be an explanation of each school and how it’s going to work. We will also show you the cohort system and how that affects this all.

Elementary Schools: Elementary Schools will follow an “A, B, C” cohort system. On Mondays and Tuesdays, cohort A will be attending in-person learning while cohort B will be attending in-person learning on Thursdays and Fridays. Those who choose to stay at home and learn will be in the cohort C plan which is attending online-learning every day. Wednesdays will still be an Asynchronous day for the Elementary Schools. Those days will be used for a “break” for the students’ minds and to deep clean the school.

Junior High School & Senior High School: Both schools will also be following the “A, B, C” cohort system.  On Mondays and Tuesdays, cohort A will attend in-person learning and on Thursdays and Fridays, cohort B attends in-person learning. Those who choose to stay at home and learn will be attending the cohort C plan which is attending online-learning every day. They will still stick to the 80 minute class period schedule. 


(You can also find more information regarding the Hybrid Model on the Abington School District website)