AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the simulation of human intelligence by machines and technology. AI has been incorporated into many things, including education, the workforce, and in everyday gadgets. Recently, AI has begun to take its place in the music industry. For many artists, producers, and people in music in general, this is a good thing. However, it also can have a negative impact on the music industry. The pros and cons of incorporating AI into music life are still being debated. So, what are the pros and cons?
The creative process when creating new music to produce and sell is hard. There are many factors that go into those things. AI can help that process to be easier. Many artists may struggle to write original music of their own. With AI, lyrics can be written easily. The AI knows what appeals to the population and writes a song that flows based off of that. Tunes or melodies can also be created to help the artists figure out how exactly they would sing the song they wanted to sing. AI helps the song flow better than if a human were to figure it all out sometimes. AI can be used as a tool for inspiration, too. People can get ideas based on the AI’s response to things to help them eventually write their own song. Different sounds from unique instruments can also be acquired easily. These sounds are hard to get because of how rare it is for someone to play them.
Even though many artists see AI as a useful tool that helps their creative process, some see it as detrimental to the music industry. Artists are losing money and popularity from this. With AI, people can generate music from their favorite artists. The songs do not even have to be the artist’s own song, but from a different artist. These songs can then be sold, and this creates a legal issue. These issues are complex, however. Right now, there aren’t any restrictions on this. Not only are there legal issues involved, but using AI when creating songs might make the song worse. AI has the vocals that everyone wants, but it does not have the emotion. Emotion makes a song relatable to others. That is a large reason that people listen to certain songs, the emotion behind it. Without this, fewer people would listen to music.
AI opens up a whole new world of opportunities in the music industry. Songs can be written easier and faster. This leads to an increase in music being produced and it also leads to a boost in the music industry economy with more money being made. AI also comes with a lot of disadvantages when using it. It deters artists from singing parts of their own songs which leads to a lack of human interaction and emotion. To me, AI will bring the music industry down. The whole reason why people listen to music is because they want to feel something. If AI is used, it lacks the materials other songs have to make people feel.