For a long time, Abington Senior High School has made it mandatory for children to grab fruit with their lunches, it’s not as strictly enforced as it used to be, but still, all children are expected to grab fruit with their lunches. So, who is behind the horrible act that forces children to grab a fruit or vegetables with their lunch?
In 2010, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was passed in response to Michelle Obama’s outcry for better nutrition in school food. The act stated that kids must grab ½ a serving of fruits or vegetables with lunch. Chances are this law won’t go away any time soon, due to the promise and help it brings to children, so now that we’re stuck with these fruits and vegetables, what should we do with them?
Many students in this school make it clear that they think the appropriate thing to do with the fruits and vegetables they get from the cafe is to throw them in the trash or at each other, eventually leaving the cafe floors a mess. So wouldn’t throwing your fruits and vegetables in the trash be a better option? Surprisingly, this is not the best option. In this school we have a club called the Fruit Ninjas. These model students set up bins all across the cafeterias where students can put their unwanted fruits and vegetables, which will then be donated to different organizations. This helps feed those in need, by simply placing a single fruit you get with every meal for free, you’re helping feed those in need, it’s free good points.
So when you have unwanted fruits and vegetables, toss them in the don’t waste donate bins and walk away knowing you’ve just helped feed a hungry family in need.