Why You Should Submit Your Work to the Spectre

Natalia Arcos, Writer

Do you have a short story you wrote for class or for fun? A poem you’re very proud of? Maybe art you invested a lot of time into? Or even a photograph you took? Well, I have great news for you! Our school’s literary magazine The Spectre is now accepting submissions of all the things listed above! If you submit your work, it may be posted in the literary magazine.

The literary magazine is an integral part of our school, as it’s an outlet for creativity. It’s an opportunity for creative people to express themselves in various ways. Not only that, but it’s an opportunity for students’ creativity to be recognized and appreciated in our community. However, if you are still not convinced to submit your work, here are a few reasons why you should!


#1.  The literary magazine will be printed and physically distributed this year.


For the past couple of years, the literary magazine has been posted online instead of printed and handed out. However, this year it’s being printed out, once again!


#2. If your work is published in the magazine you’re guaranteed a physical copy.


Yes, the Magazine is being printed this year, but there’s a limited amount of copies available. However, if your work is published in this year’s magazine you’re guaranteed a copy no matter what. You don’t need to worry about the limited stock.


#3 It looks good on college applications.


The spectre is an extracurricular that you could use in your college applications. Colleges like experienced individuals and your work being published on the spectre can show what they’re looking for. 


#4 The Spectre has a cool and unique mascot.


The Spectre mascot this year is the Grim Reaper, who’s a personified form of death. However, even though this mascot is related to horror, works of any genre can be submitted.


#5 If you wrote a work for a class you’re proud of, you can submit it.


There’s usually some sort of fictional or creative writing piece you’re assigned in your English class. Submitting it gives the opportunity for others to be able to see and appreciate your work!


#6 You can submit any art you’ve done for your classes. 


Art projects take up a lot of time, effort, and creativity. You can submit art projects you’ve done this year to the spectre. People will enjoy seeing your creativity and talent in the magazine.


If you’re interested in submitting your work, please make sure to join the google classroom! The code is b2nt2yu.