Racewalking for Friendship!

Elijah Bisulca, Opinions Editor

Okay. I know for a fact that every single one of you has that one friend. You know, that friend that is always zooming through the hallways. Whenever you pass by them, they’re literally doing a “get to class speedrun”. If this is you or someone you know, this is your chance to put their skills to the test!

Friends Club is sponsoring Abington’s 1st Racewalking Competition. What is racewalking you may ask? It’s a traditional race, with two special rules. The first is that you must have one foot on the ground. Although this may sound natural, understand that normally when you run, there are constantly periods when both feet are off the ground mid-stride. You have to actively switch up your technique if you want to reach max speeds while staying grounded. The second rule is that your front leg cannot bend until it has gone behind your torso. The intent behind this rule is to prevent people from constantly lunging forward to gain extra speed. This is a race-walk, not a race-lunge.

What’s the point of this racewalking sport? It’s simple, yet tons of fun. We will likely be conducting this race in the hallways of the C-Wing. Notice, this is not nearly enough space to fit a large number of participants, but that’s kind of the point. When the race starts, everyone will be jumbling around each other and trying to pull ahead to the front. However, there’s always a chance for a comeback, even if you get stuck in the back to start. Referees will be watching the race at all times and will disqualify people if they are breaking the rules. If people in front of you are moving too fast and get disqualified, you can jump ahead at the end and snag a victory. 

There’s an extra incentive for this racewalk if you are enrolled in any of the microeconomics classes. The winner of the race will be awarded 10 points of extra credit in the test category. If you don’t win, but recruit a non-microeconomics person that wins, then you will receive 5 points of extra credit. Furthermore, for each non-microeconomics person that you recruit, you will receive half a point of extra credit. Even if you aren’t in microeconomics though, still show up! Wouldn’t it be so satisfying to win and rob a microeconomics student of their extra credit? 🙂

So, if you want to race, come out to the racewalk! It will be held after school on Thursday, December 22nd and will convene in Mr. MacNair’s room, A219. Hope to see you there!

Friends Club Google Classroom Code: csqenac

Link to sign up for Racewalk: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOlbMzG7yW3WlhtDtSYEDIQnHBss_VHSJMPNkXWiRBTrr6UA/viewform?authuser=0