The BEST Wii Sports

Elijah Bisulca, Writer

Wii Sports is an absolute classic. Today, I’ll be objectively ranking them. If you grind through Wii Sports solo, more power to you. However, this list will be ordered based on how fun the sports are to play with others. 


#5- Boxing

HOLD ON. I know people are already racing to the comments to defend boxing. Let me explain. Boxing seems like it would be super fun. It’s easily the most engaging sport out of the five. The problem is that I’ve basically never played boxing. Want to know why? It requires a Nunchuk. Name me a Wii owner that has two working Nunchuks. I’ll wait. If a Wii owner even has two, one of them undoubtedly drifts, has frayed wires, doesn’t connect to the Wii remote properly, or has a control stick that’s been chewed on by their dog. Plus, boxing is only two players, which is inconvenient in a party setting.


#4- Golf

Golf is a snooze-fest. It may be initially fun, but everyone will inevitably lose interest after a few holes. Beyond the fact that there is little variation in the courses themselves, golf is super jank to control. You’ll barely flick the stick, and the game will register your movement as a full-power shot and do that squiggly red slice thing. Due to this inconsistency, I genuinely cannot recall a time when I or any of my friends have gotten below par in a golf game. Golf is too slow and too frustrating. 


#3- Tennis

Tennis is simple fun. I love the Miis in the stands that cheer you on. I love how your Mii flails across the court when you shake your controller fast. I love the sound and vibration the controller makes when you get a perfect serve and the ball goes flying. Is tennis a game that you grind for two hours? No. As a quick, ten-minute exhibition though, tennis can’t be beaten. 


#2- Bowling

It was a really close call between bowling and the #1 spot, but I had to keep it as the runner-up. Bowling is iconic. The announcer’s sound effects are perfect. The way the crowd jumps and spins when you throw the ball backward is perfect. Angling your shot and curving the ball perfectly is immensely satisfying. I also appreciate how bowling forces you to stand up (Unless you somehow play bowling sitting down, which makes you THE LAMEST PERSON OF ALL TIME). Having everyone out of their seats adds to the excitement considerably. Watching the Wii remote accidentally fly out of someone’s hand and smash into a wall is peak comedy. 


#1- Baseball

Baseball is too good. Three innings is a fantastic length- just long enough to get you invested without making it feel like the game drags on. It’s also the most interactive sport next to boxing. The pitcher has multiple kinds of pitches and can absolutely troll by throwing splitters to unsuspecting opponents. Batting is equally enjoyable. Feeling the ball crack against the bat and hearing the “It’s out of the park” line brings an unmatched joy. Like bowling, baseball is a sport where you HAVE to be off the couch. You can win by just flicking the controller, but seeing people take full swings and pitches is priceless. Baseball also has built-in goofiness. Shoving the bat through your Mii’s face is always silly, and witnessing your Miis drop catches and miss dives adds a delightful touch of RNG to the gameplay. Baseball’s criminal flaw is that it is only two players, which means it isn’t always ideal at a party. However, from my experience, baseball is equally as fun playing in teams and swapping controllers with someone at each at-bat.


If you think this ranking is completely wrong, flame me in the comments or write your own list! 😉