What is Happening in Iran?

Miles Stewart, Writer

The country of Iran has been the center of recent protests, but why? 

Iran is an Islamic state and enforces Islamic law. Part of Iran’s Islamic law forces women to wear a head scarf called a hijab (he-jaab). Refusal to wear hijab results in up to a two-month prison sentence and fines of up to 500,000 Rls ($11.79). The recent protests have erupted over the killing of a twenty-two-year-old Kurdish woman named Masha Amini. Amini was killed while in police custody for not wearing her hijab correctly.


But why are the protests happening now? 

The people of Iran have been protesting for equality since the 70s for various reasons; today, the women of Iran are angered by the tragic death of Masha and are protesting for gender equality. The men of Iran are tired of the corrupt regime and are joining the women in the protest for equal rights. The people of Iran want democracy. The women are tired of the oppression, and everyone wants a peaceful and prosperous Iran.


Why is this protest significant compared to other previous ones?

This time, the whole country wants freedom, not just women. The government of Iran is corrupt and the people want change. So far, over 201 Iranians, including at least 28 children, have been killed in their quest for freedom. The protests are ongoing and the Iranian government has not been able to put down the protests.


Why should I care?

What is happening in Iran is not only a violation of human rights, but as of now, the Iranian government is blaming the United States and Israel for the recent uproar. The U.S is not taking this accusation lightly. President Biden, at a recent press conference, said, “I remain gravely concerned about reports of the intensifying violent crackdown on peaceful protests in Iran, including students and women, who are demanding their equal rights and basic human dignity.  They are calling for just and universal principles, which underpin the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” The United States government supports Iranian citizens in their pursuit of freedom. Iran has said that it will sue the U.S alleging direct involvement in the protests. The people of Iran will not give up until they have the freedom they deserve.