Why the Flat Bed Sheet is Useless

October 22, 2022
Picture this: you’ve just washed your bed sheets (or maybe your mom did because you still don’t know how to use a washing machine) and now you have to make your bed. Now, I’m sure we all know the struggle of getting the fitted sheet onto your mattress by yourself. You know, the one that’s stretchy and will come undone on one corner as soon as you try to stretch it over another corner. After getting yourself tangled in the fitted sheet, spending 15 minutes just to get one part of your bed sheets on your bed, and maybe even having a mental breakdown over the fact that the world hates you and wants you to suffer, you finally get the fitted sheet to stretch over all four corners of the mattress without it slipping off.
Now the question is, do you put on the flat sheet? That thin, not-so-stretchy one. The sheet that kind of just lays there in between the useful fitted sheet and comfy, warm duvet cover. If you’re one of those people who does put the sheet on your bed… why?!?! Like be honest, do you really sleep under the flat sheet every single night and find it helpful??? The sheet literally has no purpose, and yes, I googled its purpose and the only reasonable argument is that it prevents you from having to wash your comforter so often. But even this reasoning is weak and raises questions like how often do you wash your comforter because everyone I know will go months without washing them. Also, the idea of taking your entire comforter off just to grab the single thin sheet from underneath to wash it just seems so inconvenient. Maybe I’m just lazy, but I also just don’t have the time for that. I have way more important things to do than waste my time taking a flat sheet off of my bed every week. Not to mention you’d still have to take off the fitted sheet. I don’t see the flat sheet protecting the sheet you’re laying on regardless of the presence of a flat sheet.
If you seriously still think that you have to have the flat sheet on your bed and you religiously use the sheet every night, you’re a menace to society. By now you might be asking, “But Ava, I’m cold at night what else am I supposed to do?” or “Are you crazy? The flat sheet is the most important aspect of a bedding set!” I. don’t. care. Use a fuzzy blanket under your comforter, it provides more warmth anyways. If you’re still thinking about using the flat sheet: get. rid. of. it. Like seriously, who doesn’t own a comfy, fuzzy blanket? I know I own at least 5 for myself and I probably have over 10 in my house. Don’t have one? $5.00 at Five Below. The fact that flat sheets always come in bedding sets irks me too. Like I’m pretty sure most of my friends don’t use it, so just keep it out of the set and sell it separately. Add more pillowcases instead. I know more people who have to buy extra pillowcases because there’s only 1 or 2 in their bedding set and they have 4 or 5 pillows that need to be covered.
If you’re reading this at home, take off the flat sheet on your bed and store it in the closet where you keep all of the other junk in your house. It’s probably one of the most unnecessary things in your house anyway, so why not store it with all of the other useless junk? Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.