Creative Spotlight: Angelina Ng

October 20, 2022
A current junior at ASHS, Angelina Ng has decided to use her creativity and talent for art to start her own small business! I asked her a few questions to familiarize myself with one of the many innovative ideas floating around our school.
Summary of what you sell/ presence on social media
I am currently selling hoodies and stickers of my corgi designs, and I mostly use Instagram and TikTok to showcase my art.
What is your favorite part about creating?
I didn’t randomly just come up with the idea that I wanted to draw corgis as my business at first. I actually was inspired by my cousin who wanted to start selling stickers during quarantine, and at the time I decided to draw a red panda as my main business. As time went by my sister decided to get a corgi and name her Matcha Latte, and that’s how I started drawing corgis.
What gave you the idea to start your own business and how did you get started?
I like how I get to use my own creative ideas and art preferences.
Do you have any exciting plans for the future?
I am planning to expand my business by selling t-shirts, tote bags, sticker sheets, and more in the future! I am excited for the opportunities ahead and I appreciate support from my family and friends.
Why do you think people are hesitant to begin their creative pursuits?
I believe people hesitate to start their own creative pursuits either because they don’t have the support they need or they don’t believe it’s the best option for their own life. Some, just like myself, have struggled and still struggle with deciding what kind of future they want and if their business is even going to be successful. No job will come easy and everything will be hard, but as long as you believe in yourself, I believe that you will do well.
If you’d like to check out her content and products, visit these links:
Online business: