2022 Senior Features: Vol. I

Ava Maxwell, Writer

With graduation for the class of 2022 just around the corner, many seniors have been committing to colleges all over the country and deciding on what they would like to major in. The purpose of Senior Features is to shine light onto seniors while also reflecting back on their time here at Abington Senior High!


Robert Clarke

Committed to: Montgomery County Community College

Major: Business

What is your favorite memory from high school?

“Hershey trip for DECA”

Who is a teacher/staff member you’d like to thank and why?

Ms. Davoli, she is the best ever, she is the coolest and really goes above and beyond for her students!!”



Sierra Charles

Committed to: Marymount Manhattan College

Major: Musical Theatre

What is your favorite memory from high school?

My favorite memory was performing in all of the music events, and being a part of the musicals! The most recent show, Mamma Mia, was a blast, and it had such a loving atmosphere.”

Who is a teacher/staff member you’d like to thank and why?

“I’d like to thank Mrs. Wolf for being such a positive teacher and always encouraging students to be their best selves. Without Mrs. Wolf and the music program at Abington, I don’t know what I would be doing right now. I’m forever grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful group of students and staff.”


Tianze Zhou

Committed to: Carnegie Mellon University

Major: Environmental Engineering & Engineering in Public Policy

What is your favorite memory from high school?

“Meeting all my friends, love creating great memories with them!!!”

Who is a teacher/staff member you’d like to thank and why?

“Ms. Kalinowski, because she’s always super understanding and nice. She helped me with my college essay when I was struggling with it. She has really good fashion, and she always compliments mine!”




Veronica Botero

Committed to: American University

Major: Political Science

What is your favorite memory from high school?

“My favorite memory from the senior high would probably have to be the afternoon announcements!! Enjoying laughs with Delia about the most random thing and having people say “Go Ghosts!” to me in the hallway was beyond cool.”

Who is a teacher/staff member you’d like to thank and why?

“I want to thank Mr. Grasty for pushing me to join the mock trial team and for always believing in me. Also a shoutout to all of my AP teachers because they all encouraged me during the difficult times I had over the years and helped me every time I struggled in class.”


If you would like to be featured in a future Senior Features article, fill out the Google Form below! (You must be signed into your school account)
