What are the Ghost Games?

Ava Maxwell, Sports Editor

If you’re currently enrolled in Entrepreneurship II, you already know about the recently approved event, Ghost Games. However, for students who haven’t heard about this new, exciting event at Abington Senior High School, don’t panic! I recently interviewed Ms. Davoli, a teacher of Entrepreneurship II and other business courses, along with her Entrepreneurship II students in order to get a better understanding of what the Ghost Games are and when they will take place.


Q: What are the Ghost Games?

A: Ghost Games is a school spirit event that resembles field day. This event consists of two teams, maroon and white, and three main events partnered with three minor events. There will be an early dismissal at 1 p.m. The cost for participants is $10 (shirt included) and $4 for spectators. All proceeds go to DECA! This event encourages students to show their spirit while supporting a club in our school.


Q: How and when will the Ghost Games take place?

A: The Ghost Games will take place on Friday, May 13th. There will be sign ups starting April 8th in front of cafeteria A. Wristbands will be distributed to the spectators. The games will take place in the gymnasium and stadium. There will be students working as staff.


Q: How did your students come up with the idea for Ghost Games?

A: My students were assigned the task of creating a spirit event to plan, organize, and execute that would also raise money for DECA. They thought it would be neat to create an event that resembles field day because who doesn’t love field day? They combined student-friendly games that will channel competitiveness.


Q: What were some difficulties in creating and proposing the idea of Ghost Games?

A: Some of the difficulties included creating the perfect schedule and figuring out how to market the event effectively.


Q: How will people be able to sign up for Ghost Games?

A: Sign-ups will take place in front of Cafeteria A starting April 8th to 13th during all lunches. Competitors will pay $10 and will get a team t-shirt and spirit band. Spectators will pay $4 and get a spirit band.


If you’re looking for an exciting event to participate in with a group of friends, I recommend you sign up for Ghost Games starting next week. Not only will you have a fun time with your friends, but you’ll be able to help support one of Abington’s clubs in the process! If you have any more questions regarding Ghost Games, you can visit Ms. Davoli in room C118.