Battle of the Albums: Sunset Season vs. Kid Krow

May 17, 2021
Similar to many other artists in the music industry, Conan Gray originally uploaded song covers and original songs to YouTube. Eventually, he signed with a record label in 2018, and in the same year, he released his first EP, Sunset Season. Two years later, Conan Gray also released his first album, Kid Krow. In this month’s edition of Battle of the Albums, Sunset Season will go up against Kid Krow, even though Sunset Season is an EP!
Sunset Season only has 5 songs on the tracklist and is only 18 minutes long. Personally, my favorite song on this EP is “Crush Culture” because it is a great song to just vibe to in your room. However, “Generation Why” is also close to being my favorite for the same reason! To be honest, I think that the entire EP has a calming feel, and it’s great for when you’re blasting music on a rainy or relaxing day. Conan Gray also has a few singles that are similar to the style of Sunset Season, such as “Grow,” “The Other Side,” and “The King.” Between those three songs, my favorite is “The King” because of the meaning behind the lyrics, which can be found in Conan Gray’s Genius Behind the Lyrics video on YouTube.
Conan Gray’s first album, Kid Krow, was released in 2020. It has 12 songs and is approximately 33 minutes in length. Some of the more popular songs off Kid Krow are “Maniac” and “Heather.” In my opinion, I think “Wish You Were Sober,” “Maniac,” and “Checkmate” are my top three songs from this album. All three songs have an upbeat feel to them, and when I listen to them I can’t help but dance around in my room. Other songs on Kid Krow, such as “Fight of Flight,” “Affluenza,” and “Little League,” are also very good because the instrumentals really compliment the lyrics. Conan also collaborated with the artist Lauv in 2020, and they released a song called “Fake.” When I first listened to “Fake,” it didn’t really appeal to me, but after listening to it more and more, I’ve gotten to like the song a lot. On top of releasing his first album last spring, Conan also released two more of his own singles, “Overdrive” and “Astronomy,” both of which were released in 2021. Between these two songs, “Overdrive” is my favorite because it is one of those songs that you can blast in your car when you are with friends, and everyone will have a great time.
So, which is better? Sunset Season or Kid Krow? In my opinion, Kid Krow beats Sunset Season in this round of Battle of the Albums. However, it’s not because Kid Krow has more songs since it is a full album. As much as I love the calming vibes in Sunset Season, I like Kid Krow more because it has a bigger variety of music styles rather than all of the songs being slower. I generally like more upbeat songs, so Sunset Season isn’t always the EP that I would listen to every day when I’m in a really good mood. Although it’s not my favorite to listen to when I’m hyped up, Sunset Season is definitely great for when you are trying to fall asleep because of its style. Overall, I like Kid Krow more, but Conan Gray’s EP and album are both really good, and I recommend listening to his music if you are looking for something new!