Student & Teacher Opinions on New Hybrid Plan

Ava Maxwell, Writer

Recently, the school board decided on a new hybrid plan that allows students to come into school 4 days a week instead of 2 by combining Cohorts A and B. Between parents, students, and teachers, there are many mixed emotions on the new plan that begins on April 6th. With that being said, here are some thoughts and opinions on the new hybrid plan from various members of the Senior High community!

Frau Eichler:I understand why hybrid was implemented, and that the school administration knows full well it is not an ideal plan.  From a personal standpoint, it has been wonderful to see some students who were struggling, start to improve tremendously now that they are in person, and it has also helped my spirits to see real faces (and some smiles) and hear live reactions, which I have sorely missed.  The tech has certainly been a challenge, and I’m constantly second-guessing myself as to whether I’m spending enough time with either the virtual or hybrid students.  Let’s just say I’m looking forward to a hopefully normal year next year!”

Anonymous: “I am truly excited about it personally. I have missed the classroom, and being with students and seeing them grow is both energizing and fulfilling. I will be fully vaccinated by the time the plan is implemented so I feel safe, but I do worry about students and their exposure. The science indicates that as long as distancing occurs, proper mask wear is in place, and there is ventilation, there should be no cause for concern. However, people make mistakes and get careless (I have had to ask students to put masks on during study hall). So for students and their families, I am a bit worried.”

Mr. Hartung: “I am looking forward to the start of the 4-day hybrid plan. There is no better substitute for a learning environment than in-person instruction. I sense that the students have missed it and I know the teachers have missed the connections so vital to teaching and learning.  However, I look at this time of distance teaching and learning as an opportunity for students.  Lifetime learning may not always be ‘in-person.’ The experience of learning ‘on your own’ has been forced on students but the experience nonetheless is better sooner than later. Finally, I am trusting in the safety measures set forth by the school district and the many other agencies involved. I am confident that all students and staff will be taking care of themselves and each other in our school community.”

Anna Quinto (10th Grade Student): “Although I like the smaller classes during the 2-day schedule, I think going in for 4 days will give [the] school a sense of normalcy like it was before the pandemic. I’m excited to see my friends more often too because I don’t get to see all of them outside of school.”

Sydney Heuges (10th Grade Student): “To me, the Abington hybrid schedule is working really well. As a person with lots of anxiety, the new building and the fact that I’d be around so many more people scared me. However, over the few combined days that I’ve been back in hybrid, my anxiety was soothed. The 4-day plan seems scary, but I’m ready to have an almost normal school life again. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to be back 4 days a week.”


Although I have been 100% virtual this year, I think the new hybrid plan will be very beneficial for students who have struggled to learn through a computer screen. It’s very clear that many people in the senior high are looking forward to the 4-day plan, so it will be interesting to see how it plays out for the remainder of the year.